Thursday, November 12, 2015

Diary post!! WTF (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Diary Post,

It's actually been way too long. I wanted to write this Diary Post, because honestly this blog actually keeps me from going insane. Yes, I know it's kind of audacious to only post when I want to rant about something but that's what these Diary posts are for aren't they?

I've been way too stressed lately. Aside from writers block and depression at the start of my real-world life, ah, thank's life. Alot of personal life problems piled onto me, along with inevitable first-world problems, you can imagine a tiny person raging around the streets with foul language.

She's so cute! Oh, wait,


HAH. I'm not gonna lie, a buttload of people have been surprised to find out a socially awkward small person is not actually small and shy, but a bag full of charged catnip.


Just a while ago some wierd lady, hopped over my backyard fence (when I mean hopped i mean peered over not actually crossing the boundary but think of this as hyperbole) and decided to videotape what it seemed to be my dogs.

HA HA. You can imagine my face at that moment. What the hell? What? What are you doing? I honestly tried to peek through my memory if I ever remembered unwanted surveillance of someone's yard is against the law. I remember something on reddit saying that videotaping someone's yard was an invasion of privacy. It should definitely be against the law!

Honestly, I tried to assess the situation as quickly as possible. I stood up from my bed from which I was  sleeping in soundly, from the sound of my dogs barking excessively. You see, My fence is broken and has many holes, and the fence doesn't wrap all the way around. So there are many ways for which if I let my dogs lose they'd run off and get lost somewhere. I've already lost them once and I found one of them swimming in the goddamn river of someone's backyard. I got yelled at for saving him because apparently there are alligators there. But to my understanding there are no alligators in sight and my dog was reachable for me to grab him and run. Thank you very much, PARENTS.

So I tie them to chains that are held back by bucket weights. They can roam around freely but are restrained from the weights from traveling too far AKA beyond the backyard. I try so hard to be able to keep them and keep them away from trouble. There is just one thing I can't control: Their excessive barking at apparent threats. They bark at squirrels. Lizards. And passerbys. And yes. They bark at other dogs and movement beyond the fence. Because of that I invented a whistle in which each time they barked at literally nothing I'd whistle and they'd silence themselves. For now.

And I don't know if my neighbors are all old people with little patience or young partypoopers with no patience, but some of them like to call Animal Control for Noise Nuisance. And the funny part is that each time Animal Control comes the reasons aren't for the obvious but exaggerations so the callers don't sound stupid and immature. "Your dogs are tethered and restrained from food." "They are barking excessively to be escaped from some sort of torture." "Your neighbors are worried about the treatment of your dogs."

No they are not. They just want my dogs to shut the fuck up. They are wasting your time good sirs. Go home. And no longer come for a call to this address they are just spiteful calls from immature neighbors with little patience and can't just put some goddamn earphones on. I spend all day dealing with everyone else's annoying dogs (who sometimes provoke mine) and it's funny how they must think, oh! I see the dogs outside, maybe if I look for every little thing and exaggerate it so I can call Animal Control so they can take their dogs away! YAS. NO MORE BARKING!

Now back to the story. I've seen this woman peer over once, and as I stepped outside she told me to quiet down my dogs. Um, okay lady, they are barking at you so maybe if you went back inside, problem solved? It really is not in my control that they bark at suspicious people.

And the second time I saw this woman once again, it is back to the present story where I, from the otherside of my window, see her VIDEOTAPING my dogs. Now, my dogs are in the chain contraption I made for them (it sounds wrong out of context, here you go lady! Take this out of context and use it against me!) and are eating and pooing happily because it is that time of the day. 10 minutes from then I schedule myself to bring them back in. Totally contrary to one of the reasons in the Animal Control calls "They are left in the sun out all day, without water." THE WATER IS RIGHT THER- You know what, fuck you. I don't care anymore.

But honestly I don't even know if she thinks before she does things or if she has a conscience. But she literally decided to look over my fence and videotape it. (My dogs in the shot.) You see, I am giving her as much benefit of the doubt as possible but things aren't really looking out for her. At some possible spiteful attempt she is trying to videotape dogs being tortured. (From my deductions) All of this was adding up in my mind at the moment. I was frozen to be honest, I didn't open the door. But I somehow really wanted to see her see me, and the conclusion was obvious, she stopped recording and pulled off her ladder.


My mom saw me see her and immediately brought my dogs back inside but like a teenage boy with a scrambled mind in a relationship I was still prossessing information and trying to think as properly as possible. As soon as everything downloaded into my mind my next action was I put on some presentable clothes and walked straight on to her house.

Monini? What were you planning to do really?

"Why were you recording my backyard?"

It was the main thing I wanted to ask her. But as you can guess, I rang the doorbell a couple times before realizing she wasn't planning on opening the door.Was she in there? From my conclusions yes. Everything added up that she was still inside and there was no way she could have left in the time-frames. Was she hiding from me? Probably. Was I threatening to her? I may have fowl language as primary, but I am socially awkward as hell, so honestly I try not to fight with people. I am naturally an easygoing person. I'd rather get along.

So I tried to talk to her and was most likely refused. So then I walked back home, wrote a letter explaining a treaty and left it on a hook next to the door. Has she seen it? I wonder. But I have not seen Animal Control or something come to my door just yet. She also has not sent me an email from the email I left for her to reply to. I hope it's a good thing. Honestly, I just want to live a carefree life rather than have constant feuds about eachother's dogs.

Beagles are loud as fuck and mine are mixed with a Chihuaha Corgi and a Beagle. This woman doesn't even know that the owner of these dogs is the teenage daughter of the household. She probably doesn't even know who lives here. Some sort of Mexicans. Do they even speak English? YES. My parents have an accent but YES WE ALL DO.

But aside from that, some good things also happened to my life recently. On the eve of Halloween my bestfriend Rai decided to get a Twitter and I was hyped up to get back on the Twitter wagon. Yes, with 200 tweets in the span of two years between 2012-2014 I decided to finally use Twitter again. If Rai had one I had to start using mine becomes honestly that guy has absolutely no social media and I had to find a way to keep touch with him.

But literally he gained 30 followers in one night with no tweets. I forgot how long it took me to get to 100 but I did remember following excessive people because I thought that's how Twitter works. Well, it's the same thing as unnecessary emails in your inbox. So that same night I unfollowed all 900+ people I did not know at all. Don't take it personally.

But Rai was being the easygoing kid he was and tweeted someone who's location was "We The Cats",
"I myself am a cat and so is my friend [My username] I am happy to know we are not the only cats stranded on this foreign planet xD"

And it was history from there. This guy turned out to be iKingJah, this awesome YouTuber who's going places and we ended creating this internet organization called "We The Cats!" for all the Cat lovers. We are also working on a project together. We currently have 15+ active members on Twitter who just chat and have fun in a DM chat.

To be honest I never much cared for cats, I was usually a dog person and a wild animal enthusiast. Elephants and Tigers primarily. Which is how I became known on the internet as a Space Tiger. Yas. Cats are awesome but I didn't have them as pets usually. Their fur gave me allergies and I wasn't up for it. But I got a Tuxedo cat recently and things are fine as long as I take a few pills xD

I love the internet. I've been doing mystical things on there in my lifetime but I gotta go for now. I'm not exactly tired but it's primarily these allegies that I can rid of if I just go to sleep.

Goodnight imaginary readers, I will take my rest.

So take this Photoshopped picture of me as a terrifyingly realistic Space Tiger.

,Monise Saitou ()

The Social Medias~
Twitter: @darthmonini


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