Sunday, November 9, 2014

Diary post!! My life has sucked recently... ;A; (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ but SMILES!!!!

Diary post,


I updated my post later than I thought I would ;A; and I feel so ashamed!!!!! >A< but nevertheless I will blog about these pasts to weeks that no one has heard of me!!! Hehe c:
So, a lot of stuff happened and there were a lot of ups and downs this month especially, and as much as it pains me to say this, but my November started horrible. I cried the last weeks of October and began my November in depression mode, and not to mention I hurt myself on Friday!!! D: YES. But I feel ashamed to even say this, but I got hurt jumping off a lab table, and landed right on my knee. Dx IT FELT HORRIBLE. I tried so hard to hold it in, but I haven’t cried from physical pain in years, but tears just slipped out and I let out a sound of pain. That is when people noticed me, and although the pain was mild at the time, as I walked, the pain progressed and I did not even know why. My friends tried to help me, but I personally did not want the attention, and I was just hungry, and tired, and just wanted to drink some nice cold juice. But of course, my stubborn actions got me nothing, and everyone just saw me as a stubborn crybaby, and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and turn into a mushroom TAT !! Although I saw what I was doing and what I felt to be completely justified but I am pretty sure the world saw differently. I refused to be helped, I refused to go home, I refused to go anywhere until I was with my best friend Crychi and since I couldn’t do much all I did was cry. Not to mention, my friends picked up by force, and since I could not fight back all I did was cry more. CHRIST, HOW OLD AM I AGAIN?! BUT IT CANT BE HELPED WHEN YOU’RE A STUBBORN ARIES WHO WAS PUT IN A SITUATION IN WHICH SHE CANT DO ANYTHING HERSELF AND THAT WAS ALL I COULD DO!!

So, I ran. Well, I limped away, the minute I could, towards home. But, well I was forced by the authority to go get my leg checked, and well, although it was nothing serious I did inflict more pain with my stubbornness. It was a little red and swollen around the knee bone so that was what caused pain, since my skin is sensitive and gets swollen easily. And so, at the end of the day I ended up with a bruise on my knee and literally dying from allergies because, COME ON, I fell on the floor face first, and no one cleans the floor where I was at and I get allergies from everything. ;A; //dies

I suffered trauma from that day and now I don’t even want to leave my house anymore T-T

I was actually quite chirpy the day that I am writing this post! I dont know why, but after going to the movies and watching Big Hero 6, my sorry week was masked by one of the best works Disney has done. Makes me actually wonder if Star Wars VII is really going to suck as much as people say it is?? 
I had a great conversation with the guy at the store in which I bought the shirt in the picture above, about how I shouldnt fret about episode 7, and that it's going to be great. Disney cant possibly mess something this great up. Right? That actually made my day, besides the fact that the title did sound a bit iffy to me, I would still watch it even if it was called, The Force has a nightmare hehe. ^_^ God I love Star Wars. And after watching Big Hero 6, it came to me that Disney really isn't all that bad and we are all just being crybabies. I guess to me it's mostly the fact that Disney always has to have it's logo at the top. IDK, but really I dont really have issues, but that's highly just me.

Besides all the bad things that happened this week, I did accomplish some things despite them not contributing to productivity in my priorities. 

Also this as well, my older sister spraypainted a wooden crate, and I painted over it, and this was the result. Lolololol dont mind me, this was a quick selca to show how vaderific I was today hehe ^v^

See you sooooooon~
Bai Bai x
,Monise Saitou ()
Twitter: @Saitoumonise


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