Sunday, October 26, 2014

Moninitalk #1 +updates! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Hello people!
Si it has been a while since I last posted on this blog or decided to do anything pertaining it but I have valid reasons if anyone is interested enough to know.
To start this off, I would like to say that people can have lots of changes and opportunities in life no matter where they are going and that includes EVERYBODY. That including me, whose mind was made to always be sent on a single goal and I would boost myself towards it no matter what. That being said, I would like to get a little more personal and less broad on this post.
I not too long ago made a relevant post like this not too long ago about “just doing it” rather than sitting down and thinking about it. Me as person, I always thought the best thing to do when I had no means in doing something, was to just sit and plan some more until I had my hands on what I needed. That type of strategy has its own pros and cons. Even though I would have a lot more to think about in doing and knowing that I will have even more projects soon, sometimes I get a little too carried away. I would think, HEY, how about I work on this right now that seems a lot easier than the one I have not been able to do at the moment. That isn’t a good idea because I end up dropping halfway and leaving an unfinished project just sitting there and sometimes can be forgotten! YIKES! But, I try not to fret about it, take a deep breath and find a positive way to deal with it.
This is what has been happening to me recently. Although I am still not an adult and I am still barely finishing high school, a lot of my issues began and are still happening my last year of high school. I am not going to say things like, gosh I am so happy to leave this hellhole, or AH IM SO SCARED OF GOING INTO THE REAL WORLD. Right now I am just in the processing, or “queue” of entering a new era for myself. And although I sense a new change coming from me, I have not been able to feel the coming of age entering my life. The day I walked into high school I was terrified, and now that I have such little time before I have to leave, I just have so many mixed emotions that is so very hard to explain. But the point blank is that, I am not exactly at the point in my life where I need to be sitting around and thinking about how great it will be to start a new project.
Oh hey!  ( ) So one interesting fact is that I was recently pulled off my chair (metaphorically I am actually on bed hehe) to go do something priority wise. Usually when things like this happens I usually use my muse and am unable to continue what I was doing, but I pep talked myself into continuing this post.

So this is what has been preventing me to write anything down. Although this blog was mainly for entertainment purposes I thought I would make it sort of a diary, cause hey, I am a pretty interesting person as it is! (ò_óˇ)  Huehue.
 Okie. This was an update sorta, and I will continue this, hmm, what should I call it since it wasn’t really a what happened so far post and more of a heart to heart thing for me. Moninitalks. Hehe.
()*:・゚ It has become official!!!

(~)~But since I put my point across, here are a few projects personal or not that I have in store for myself and the world! I put it in a setting that is easier and handier for me to display in my life planner. It’s a lot of fun too!! HUEHUE ( ^^)

WELL!!! That’s it for you guys! Hope you got a kick out of this update or came just for the boredom but either way you came! YAAAAAAY o(o)o

See you guys in my next diary post! AND NEXT MONINITALK (✿◠‿◠)

P.S To lighten up the mood some pictures of my shenanigans during my absense;  love u J

,Monise Saitou ()

Twitter: @saitoumonise
IG: @saitoumonise
YouTube: Monise Saitou

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