Monday, September 15, 2014

Irrelevance is Bliss

OKIE. Has it been a millinium since I last updated this blog?

Perhaps in some distant galaxy but the point drawn, is that I havent payed much attention to this thing. It is true. Now that I am trying to get my life together, and strapping myself up before throwing myself into the large wormhole called the real world, I am beginning to realize I have some real shit to pull together.

But besides that, I decided to rant about things that happened recently with the fact that I am currently throwing away the adolescant me, as I become a brand new adult. What I want to ramble about is the tenacity of the teenagers I had to deal with every single day as I studied to graduate high school. Dont get me wrong, I had my moments as a teenager, and can understand what they are going through. However there is a limit to how abrupt you can be in this society and especially among your colleagues and teachers.

Okie. So I was trying to get all my credits together, because without these I can not graduate, so even though I decided to take online school to focus on graduating,  I was required to take two classes on school campus. But as nonacademic as I was, I had to retake a math course I failed my junior year and I had to take a junior class. So yes. It turns out that even though I was brain dead in that class and had no idea what to do (I enrolled late in the year because of some issues), none of these 11th graders could help me in any way. Oh dear lord of the sith, how good it must feel to them to not need to worry about graduating on time, as they can just breeze through the class by doing classic things like copying homework and answers. However, that way is impossible for me as I have final exams that decide my fate of whether I should be released into the wild with a diploma. Ah geez. I am dying and totally no where near where I should be, and I feel peeved by all these people 1-2 years younger than me, who can even help someone like me cause I managed to stoop myself to the level of BEING NOT AT ALL SMARTER THAN UNDERCLASSMEN.

But anyhue, what peeved me the most this week, is people who are rude because they dont seem to have any care in the world. My good friend and I, who have the same goals in the entertainment industry sit and talk about ideas and pitches for projects we plan to do together. Even though we are happily sitting here, in our own bubbles, some person who for some reason likes to judge every little thing, decides to shoot down my friend's ideas even though she had nothing to do with the conversation. We are at all not grinches, and we do not mind if people want to listen, and talk with us, even though again, we seem to be on a different level from them. This girl, decides to be an IRL troll and try to tell my friend that she is doing copyright infringement to a movie she had seen. As I am trying to assess the situation without openly doing this:

She decides to prove her point with an assuring voice. However, as my friend quickly caught on she said,

"Are you talking about Happy Feet? That is no where near close to my synopsis."

Trollina: "It's not Happy Feet, blah blah blah blah blah, oh wait yea it is."


My friend: "That is not even close to my story"

Me: I'm pretty sure the characters in your story's feet are no where near happy.

But to sum everything up, people are just so irrelevantly incompetent that they do not even realize it themselves. As I am just here sitting and typing this awaited blog post, and longest I have written in history I proclaim that this society has it's fair share of trolls who probably aren't trolling for fun but they are just that imbecilic.

So I will leave you here because I am sleepy, and tired, and I need to sleep before I kill myself in the process.

Also! Check out my video blog I posted on my YouTube channel, which is basically irrelevant videos I had stored and have no shame of having recorded.

 Irrelevance is Bliss:

Anyhue Elephant lovelings,

Bai Bai x


Twitter: @saitoumonise

IG: @saitoumonise

YouTube: CHIBIchan

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